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Experimental equipment Automobile Engine

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Experimental equipment Automobile Engine
Passat B5 engine test-bed
        Products: the new Passat B5 engine assembly and the engine control unit, meters assembly, coolant temperature sensor, inlet temperature sensor, throttle potentiometer, throttle position potentiometer, the quality of air, oxygen sensor, central control electrical boxes, computer security, ignition switch, fuel tanks and gas pumps assembly, the car body heat of the package, Bench panels painted with the color integrity of EFI engine circuit schematics.
Product function:
1. Panel with a color schematics engine control computer-pin has been a corresponding signal
2. External detection areas, figures show that voltage sensor data shows that the voltage,
3. Pointer pressure and vacuum pressure gauge showed that the fuel pressure,
4. LED lights showed fuel injection pulse width,
5. OBD II testing connecting blocks can be connected fault readers use,
6. Movable bench, the bench after high temperature treatment,
7. Intelligent fault set up control, and other functions can be set up linking computer fault, even the machine can also use a computer controlled by a number of devices.

Toyota Lexus engine test-bed

A product components: the product using the Lexus LS400 engine and automatic transmission assembly and the engine control unit, meters assembly, coolant temperature sensor, inlet temperature sensor, throttle control assembly, the quality of air, oxygen sensor, central control electrical boxes, ignition switch, the entire body heat, gasoline containers and gas pumps assembly, and so on, the Taiwan-panel painted a color integrity of the EFI engine circuit schematics and computer he gathers the external detection terminals.
Second, product functions:
1. Panel with a color schematics engine control computer-pin has been a corresponding signal to external detection areas
2. Voltage table shows the figures show that the voltage sensor data
3. Pointer pressure and vacuum pressure gauge showed that the fuel pressure
4. LED lights showed fuel injection pulse width, connecting OBD II testing which can be accessed at fault for readers
5. Movable bench, the bench after high temperature treatment
6. Intelligent fault set up control, and other functions, connecting computers installed fault, even the machine can be used by a computer control a number of devices
EFI engine computer control system test-bed

Honda F22B Engine Integrated Training Taiwan

Composition: Honda Accord F22B engine assembly, electronic control modules, automatic transmission assembly, meters, fault set up and remove boxes, hydraulic tables, fuel tanks, batteries, diagnostic blocks, cooling systems, engine and a computer-pin a corresponding signal detection, removable bench, manual.
Functional Description:
The Taiwan used Honda Accord F22B engine and automatic transmission, additional large-scale electronic control panels principle, ECCS ECU detection terminals, fault switch, and the combination of instruments relevant to the work of the engine and auxiliary system, in each sensor has digital voltage meter , external computer terminals to facilitate student testing, Pointer table shows the vacuum pressure, oil pressure, fuel pressure indicator showed injector solenoid valve
Toyota Lexus engine electronic control system test-bed

Composition: Lexus 300 engine assembly, the electronic control unit, gearbox assembly, meters, fault set up and remove boxes, hydraulic tables, fuel tanks, batteries, diagnostic blocks, cooling systems, and the engine has a corresponding computer-pin the signal detection, removable bench, manual.
Functional Description:
Taiwan adopted the Toyota Lexus 300 engine and automatic transmission, additional large-scale electronic control panels principle, ECCS ECU detection terminals, fault switch, and the combination of instruments relevant to the work of the engine and auxiliary system, in each sensor has digital voltage meter , external computer terminals to facilitate student testing, Pointer table shows the vacuum pressure, oil pressure, fuel pressure indicator showed injector solenoid valve. Advisory carried out by hackers stall converter
Santana 2000 GSL engine test-bed

Santana 2000 AJR engine Taiwan Training
L components: Santana 2000 AJR engine, electronic control modules, and instruments, and failure to establish and remove boxes, hydraulic tables, fuel tanks, batteries, diagnostic blocks, cooling systems, and computer-pin engine has been a corresponding signal detection zone, mobile bench, manual.
Functional Description:
   Taiwan adopted the Santana 2000 AJR engine, additional large-scale electronic control panels, electronic control unit ECCS detection terminals, fault switch, and the combination of instruments relevant to the work of the engine and auxiliary system, in each sensor has digital voltage meter, external computer terminals facilitate students detection, Pointer table shows the vacuum pressure, oil pressure, fuel pressure indicator showed injector solenoid valve. Smart may have installed computers, the company's Web site can be upgraded on-line to connect multiple computers installed
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