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Photoelectric sensor integrated test-bed

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KRJ3 photoelectric sensor systems laboratory equipment
  Photoelectric sensor experimental instrument has three main components: console, sensors, laboratory modules, data acquisition cards and processing software, such as six tables experimental components.
Some of the console
   High stability of ± 15V, +5 V, ± 2V to ± 10V adjustable three DC Power Supply, exchanging 3 V power supply; console panels tops several significant voltage, frequency, speed, pressure, illumination, ammeter; 0 ~ 20 kpa adjustable pressure source; speed regulation, plastic circuit; high-precision temperature control instrumentation; illumination regulation of the output; Power Failure Alarm instructions, RS232 computer serial interface; buoyancy ball flowmeter;

Sensors and experimental module configuration:

     (1) cds photosensitive resistance (T / S).
     (2) Si photodiodes (T / S).
     (3) Si phototransistor (T / S).
     (4) Si PV (T / S).
     (5) pyroelectric far infrared sensor (T / S).
     (6) photoelectric coupled devices (T / S).
     (7) reflective photoelectric switch (T) o
     (8) Active Optical Switches (T) o
     (9) Center of multimode fiber sensor head (T).
     (1 0) OFD fiber displacement sensor (T / S).
     (11) PSD optoelectronic position sensor (T / S).
     (12) GS grating displacement demonstration of ((T).
     (13) CCD image sensor (T / S).
     (14) CM infrared night vision measuring instrument (T / S).
     (15) fiber optic pressure sensor (T / S).
     (16) fiber optic temperature sensor (T / S).
     (17) optoelectronic modulation / demodulation Experiment Module (T / S)
     (18) optical power Experiment Module (T / S)
     (19) semiconductor lasers
     (20) infrared surveillance alarm Experiment Module (T / S)
     (21) Photoelectric Properties / Application experiment module (T / S)
     T - sensors. S --- experimental module.
     1 --- 1 0 proposals in the basic configuration.
     11 --- 20 part is an optional extension configuration.
Data Acquisition cards and processing software
Data acquisition card in a 12-bit A / D conversion, sampling speed 100000 points / second sampling speed can choose, can single-step continuous sampling can sampling. Standard RS-232 interface, the software has a good handle computer display interface, can be the choice of pilot projects and editing, data acquisition, the characteristic curve analysis, comparison and file access, print, and other functions.
Second, the main technical parameters, performance
① photosensitive resistivity: dark Resistance: ≥ 2 megohms-Resistance: ≤ 1 K Ω
Response time: 40 ms (increase) decrease (100 ms)
   Power consumption: 30 mw (max)
   The peak wavelength; 0.56 ± 0.03um
   Spectral response range 0.4 to 0.7 um
② photodiodes
Spectral range :0.4-1.1 um
   The peak wavelength: 0.85 um
   Response time :10-9 (S)
   Dark current: <0.1 uA
③ phototransistor
   Spectral range :0.4-1.1 um
   Response time <10-5 S
   The peak wavelength: 0.85
④ silicon PV
   Open-circuit voltage: ≥ 200 mV
   Short-circuit current 1 - 4 mA
   Effective area: 2.5 X5mm2
   Spectral range :0.4-1.1 um
   The peak wavelength :0.8 - 0.9 um
   Response time :10-3-10 - 6 S
⑤ pyroelectric infrared sensor
   Sensitivity: 300 V / W (500K, 10Hz, 1Hz)
   Response wavelength: 1-15 um
   Perspective; 70
   Electricity :5-15 VDC
⑥ PSD position sensor
   Size 10 mm × 1 line array element
   Laser Light Source: ≤ 1 W
   Measurement System :0-15 mm Micrometer
   Output: 0 ± 5V
⑦ bemusing-CCD image -
   Color CCD surface
   PC: USB interface (with software)
⑧ Optocoupler device
   BVCEO = 30V, VCE (sat) = 0.3V, If = 10mA
⑨ fiber displacement sensor
Note: ① device manufacturers due to different technical parameters may have some errors.
       ② experiment circuit parameters and experimental step is for reference only
Fiber type; Multimode
Probe optical distribution: semicircle
Shape: Trident
Intermittent ⑩ photoelectric device
   Type: infrared, TTL Level
   Measuring Distance: 5 mm
* ⑾ grating displacement sensor
   Type: moire fringe displacement, industrial range :0-100 mm
   Processor: Counting / frequency / Display Resolution: 0.001 um
Note: "*" for the election as an experiment

English Tel: +86.21-56301098     Fax: +86.21-66613899
点击这里给我发消息  MSN:021-66613898shkr123@hotmail.com
Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com


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