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CNC lathes, milling machine maintenance&n

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KRN-RA CNC lathes, milling machine maintenance training Experimental Device
CNC lathes, CNC milling machine maintenance training experimental device: CNC car / Milling Machine Intelligence Training comprehensive assessment test-bed
 CNC car / Milling Machine Intelligence Training comprehensive assessment test-bed for higher vocational schools, secondary vocational schools in the installation and maintenance of electrical and mechanical equipment, electrical and mechanical technology applications, electrical operation and control, electrical technology applications, mechanical processing, and other professional and non-professional categories of electrical and mechanical training courses required modules "CNC equipment maintenance "," NC machining technology "or elective courses module," Machine circuit maintenance, "Teaching and Training.

  CNC car / Milling Machine Intelligence Training comprehensive assessment test-bed is also suitable for the Electrical and Mechanical Specialty Technical School "electrical equipment maintenance," "CNC equipment maintenance," the internship courses, vocational training schools also suitable for the installation, maintenance electrician senior classes, installation, maintenance electrician technician classes, installation, peacekeeping Xiu electrician senior technician classes and milling machine work, and senior technician training and real parade.
An integral part of product
CNC car / Milling Machine Intelligence Training comprehensive assessment test-bed system by the NC lathe and milling machine CNC systems, electrical control machine interface boards, spindle VVVF experimental boards, Digital AC servo motor and servo-driven input and output modules, stepper driver and stepping motor input and output modules, automatic Tool Control Module, switching power supply, such as a demonstration of 3D spacing component.
This test-bed configuration control system:
It consists of standard PC hardware, DOS, and XP operating platform, 17''flat screen monitors, CPU2.8G, fashion powder roast chassis, memory 256 M, drives 80 G, ultra-thin keyboard, 3D mouse, 52 2x CD-ROM, etc.
Training can be created experimental evaluation project
1. CNC lathe / milling machine operating system programming experiment
2. CNC lathe / milling machine spindle inverter system control units operating and fault diagnosis debugging experiment
3. CNC lathe / milling machine system control Digital AC servo motor operation and fault diagnosis experiment
4. CNC lathe / milling machine electrical control design and analysis of experiments
5. CNC lathe / milling machine stepper motor control system operation and fault diagnosis experiment
6. Electric tool carrier control principle experiments and experimental wiring and fault diagnosis.
7. CNC lathe machine thread processing system control experiment
8. CNC lathe / milling machine cooling and lighting and fault diagnosis experiment
9. Screw pitch error compensation experiment
10. CNC lathe / milling machine design fault exclude appraisal 28
    This is a distribution platform NC Computer Training System devices. Intron lathe and milling machine control system control system two. Includes a test-bed, a monitor, a computer mainframe, a four-position automatic tool carrier, a cooling pump motor, a main motor with encoder Group, a 3D demonstration yee Limit

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